JHS Bluejays Activities
Jim Roaldson - Activities Director Email: james.roaldson@k12.nd.us Phone: 701-952-4005 |
Linn Suttle - Activities Assistant Email: linn.suttle@k12.nd.us Phone: 701-952-4006 |
Online Activity Registration
JHS utilizes an online registration system for parents to complete the paperwork necessary for their students to participate in activities. Registering your student through the system is the only way in which these forms can be completed and must be completed prior to the first practice. Click Here for > JHS Online Registration
Physical Examination
Students participating in Athletics must register online and have a current physical examination on file with the Activities Office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and turned into the Activities Office through the online registration process no later than 3 school days prior to the first day of practice/tryout.
Physical Examinations are valid for one school year; a physical examination must be completed on or after April 15 to be valid for participation the following school year. Download Physical Form HERE.
JHS Live Stream
We hope to see you in person supporting the students, but if you are not able to make it. Jamestown High School has live streaming for this event: Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, & Wrestling. Click Here to view the YouTube Live Stream
If the JHS Bluejays are at an away game, follow this steps
- click on Western Dakota Association Link.
- Select the sport
- Under the Next Game section will be view Streaming